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Thursday, 30 May 2013

A New Beginning

What a day! Laced with some things good and some not so good ones. But what day is not so? A part of the day feels good as the weather out is awesome. It's been drizzling all day, actually since three days now, and I am enjoying it. Of course people who have to step outside for work or otherwise wouldn't be much thrilled about the continuous spell of showers. But since I am at home, cant help but just enjoy it. On the other hand am feeling a tad bit sad about a certain news - that a prominent film maker of our cinemas has passed away. Did I know him?No not personally, but I loved his films. I loved the vision with which he created his films. I feel sad thinking there wont be such films anymore. That's my day today. But whatever it is, today feels just about the right time to start my blog. I am here to blog about my love for art and crafts, especially about my new love "paper quilling". I am new at this art and I aim to go a long way with it. And along my journey I plan to share my work with my fellow artists.

My last two nights were engaged in conceptualising and creating something in white. I ended making this card. A card like this can be used as a wedding invitation or wedding greeting card.

The word BLISS in the centre has been quilled.  The white paper flowers are all handmade. For the borders I have used a spellbinder die.

With this card I would be participating in the Itsy Bitsy Pristine Sparkle Challenge for May'2013.
Keeping my fingers crossed. Meanwhile, do post your comments on how you find it and please feel to give your feedback. There's always one room in my house --- for improvement :-)



  1. Wow what an elaborate and intricate creation. Thanks so much for playing along ItsyBitsy's Pristine Sparkle Challenge. All the very best!
    ItsyBitsy - The Blog Place

  2. You are so creative....loving your art !
